By the Jerusalem religious clergy [Middle East religious leaders ...
Looking I googled but will come out various definitions
The Language Race culture share the historical fate, the population of people who are connected by cognate consciousness. ]
(Digital Daijirin)
This is exactly neutral, concise definitions!
In other words, it is the [use the same language, have the same cultural history, people who harbor the cognate consciousness].
As [language] is written before the most in this definition, [mother (country) language] is the most critical tool for ethnic groups. As long as you can not communicate from the bottom of each other-centered, rather than the cognate consciousness is born, but it also can not teach the culture and history to the next generation?
In the Middle East, mainly in such a nation exists.
(Source: US CIA "World Fact Book" In addition, calculated on the basis of the article in the national authorities international organizations)
This also There are a number of ethnic minorities in addition.
Since the ethnic distribution estimate of Iraq, Turkey has not been determined, it took the average of the maximum and minimum values.